Magers and Quinn Presents: Daniel Clowes


Renowned cartoonist, illustrator, and writer Daniel Clowes discussed his new book Patience with Zak Sally at Magers and Quinn in March 2016.

Listen to the episode to hear Zak and Daniel discuss the term “graphic novel,” the “cartoonist walk,” and New Yorker Covers.




Recorded at Magers and Quinn Booksellers on March 31, 2016

 About Patience: Patience is a psychedelic science-fiction love story, veering with uncanny precision from violent destruction to deeply personal tenderness in a way that is both quintessentially “Clowesian” and utterly unique in the author’s body of work. This 180-page, full-color original graphic novel affords Clowes the opportunity to draw some of the most exuberant and breathtaking pages of his life, and to tell his most suspenseful, surprising and affecting story yet.